This table lists all data sources used to inform the country profile, map and analysis sections of the SACREEE GIS platform, along with their corresponding links.
Indicator Source
Access to Electricity ESMAP-RISE
Bagasse IRENA
Biogas IRENA
Clean Cooking ESMAP-RISE and WHO
CO2 Emission (Kt/Year) EDGAR - Emissions Database for Global Atmospheric Research
Distribution Grid Network World Bank Open Data
Energy Efficiency ESMAP-RISE
Hydroelectric Power Access World Bank Open Data
Population Density WorldPop and World Bank
Power Plant World Resource Institute & Global Energy Observatory
Railway Lines DIVA-GIS and World Bank Open Data
Renewable Energy ESMAP-RISE
Renewable Energy Consumption World Bank Open Data
Renewable Energy Generating Capacity IRENA
Road Network WFPGeoNode and World Bank Open Data
Solar Photovoltaic MAPRE-UC BARBARA
Total Population WorldPop and World Bank
Transmission Grid Network World Bank Open Data
Wind Energy Onshore MAPRE-UC BARBARA
Indicator Source